How Do Independent Sales Reps Achieve More Sales?
Interested in independent sales rep jobs? Increasing your commission-only rep portfolio and profits through selling multiple lines. Once you have established your area and a clientele, then the process of carrying more than one product line is just a question of how much you want to scale up. With a solid foundation of customers who […]
Sales Reps: Employed Versus Independent
Ok, your small business has a product that is selling well locally. With proof of concept and the manufacturing capacity, you’re all set to expand your market. You may have only one question left, “how do I sell it?” That’s easy! I’ve got lots of employees that work for me, they can sell our product! […]
What Is an Independent Sales Rep?
An Independent Sales Rep, also known as a Manufacturer’s Rep, is an independent contractor paid on a commission basis to represent your service or product lines in a specific region. Independent reps serve as a company’s outside sales, marketing and customer service. Independent reps’ line cards usually list several related, non-competitive products for a well-defined […]
The RepHunter Blog – The Sales Rep Resource
RepHunter has been assisting manufacturers, small businesses and entrepreneurs connect with one of the most powerful sales forces – the independent sales rep who works largely on a commission only basis. We offer online resources for those hiring sales reps and those looking to add new product or service lines and research all their sales […]