Screening Your Sales Reps

Your product is finally ready! After months of research & development, quality testing, market research, and so on, you are finally ready to start selling to customers. You may even have several independent sales reps interested in selling your products! Wait a minute, “how do I know which reps to use? Should I use all […]

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Assembling a Sales Rep Network

Alright, so you’ve got your product market tested and ready for a wider sales distribution to the larger market. Now to the step of assembling a sales rep network – once you’ve decided to use independent sales reps. Now what? How do you efficiently and safely proceed to find, contact, interview, and hire an outside […]

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Tips for Working With Sales Reps

Placing productive, independent sales reps is a numbers game. Period. This fact cannot be emphasized too much. Using a service such as RepHunter will both improve those numbers and reduce the hiring period. But you will still most likely need to communicate with several reps to place that one that will ultimately be productive. For […]

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How Can I Get Independent Sales Reps to Take My Line?

I am new to the market. How can I get qualified independent sales reps to take my line? How can I interest a sales rep to “pioneer” my line? Your Hot Concept You are excited about your new hot product or service. Everyone you talk to is excited. You know how to create or procure […]

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How Can I Find Independent Reps or Sales Agents?

There are several ways to find independent sales reps, sales representative companies, or sales agents. Sometimes it may feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, check out this list and consider how RepHunter can shorten and sweeten your sales rep recruiting efforts. 1. Online Sales Rep Search Services. There are several online […]

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Manufacturer’s Reps Widely Used

According to a recent report issued by the Research Institute of America: Since the mid-1970s, more than 50 percent of all U.S. manufacturers (and up to 80 percent in some fields, such as electronics) have used manufacturer’s reps exclusively or in conjunction with direct sales forces. Added to that is the vast assortment of international […]

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How Do Independent Sales Reps Achieve More Sales?

Interested in independent sales rep jobs? Increasing your commission-only rep portfolio and profits through selling multiple lines. Once you have established your area and a clientele, then the process of carrying more than one product line is just a question of how much you want to scale up. With a solid foundation of customers who […]

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Sales Reps: Employed Versus Independent

Ok, your small business has a product that is selling well locally. With proof of concept and the manufacturing capacity, you’re all set to expand your market. You may have only one question left, “how do I sell it?” That’s easy! I’ve got lots of employees that work for me, they can sell our product! […]

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What Is an Independent Sales Rep?

An Independent Sales Rep, also known as a Manufacturer’s Rep, is an independent contractor paid on a commission basis to represent your service or product lines in a specific region. Independent reps serve as a company’s outside sales, marketing and customer service. Independent reps’ line cards usually list several related, non-competitive products for a well-defined […]

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The RepHunter Blog – The Sales Rep Resource

RepHunter has been assisting manufacturers, small businesses and entrepreneurs connect with one of the most powerful sales forces – the independent sales rep who works largely on a commission only basis. We offer online resources for those hiring sales reps and those looking to add new product or service lines and research all their sales […]

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