Hiring Sales Reps
Useful Blog for Sales Reps
Anyone working with or as an independent sales rep can benefit from the wisdom of Bob Reiss found in the archive of his blog for sales reps. Aside from his wealth of blog posts, Bob has valuable sales rep and entrepreneur resources on his Bootstrapping101 website, bootstrapping101.com/blog/. As a Harvard Business School graduate as well […]
Fashion Industry Challenges & Apparel Industry Roadblocks
If you own a business in the apparel industry you are well aware you must think years in advance and anticipate changes in consumers, the supply chain, and more. How can you position yourself so that you’re catching the wave years into the future, not being knocked over by it and more powerful competitors? Read […]
Cosmetics and Beauty Supply Sales Trends
The beauty and cosmetics industry are particularly susceptible to trends, as the market is constantly changing due to technology and fashion. There are many groups with their eyes on the beauty market, and we take a look at some of their predictions below. Skincare Benefits Still Popular According to the NPD group, 86% of women […]
Great Sales Rep Job Interview Questions
Great Sales Rep Job Interview Questions You’re a business owner in the financial industry in the process of expanding your lines quickly. Your product or service is ready to go, and you used a service such as RepHunter to create a pool of qualified independent financial sales reps. What are the job interview questions you […]
Sales Trends: Finding Financial Services Sales Reps & Succeeding In Financial Services Sales
Sales Trends: Finding Sales Reps & Succeeding In Sales We’ve talked about suppliers or providers of financial services (known in our terminology as a “Principal”) finding sales reps and then hiring the qualified commission-only sales reps for your product in (“How to Find Great Independent Financial Services Reps”). These are great tips for identifying which […]
Pharma Trends: The Optimistic Pharmaceutical Industry Heads into 2014
The Optimistic Pharmaceutical Industry Heads into 2014 The economy’s slow improvement has meant a rosier outlook for a number of industries, not least the pharmaceutical industry. A business confidence report by Kable for the first quarter of 2014 shows a rosy outlook for the majority of pharmaceutical executives surveyed. 74% of executives were sanguine about […]
Key Questions Asked by Independent Sales Reps
As a small business owner or sales manager adding an outside sales force, you will be asked certain key questions by independent sales reps you interview. Be prepared with good answers! Successful sales reps know what answers qualify your business as a good investment of their time and expertise. Go over this list of key […]
How to Create a Great Relationship with Your Independent Sales Reps
Managing your independent sales reps is as important, however time consuming at the beginning, as managing your inside sales rep. However, given the potential sales increase, sales managers should take care to ensure that outside reps get all the attention they need. There is no simple formula to creating a great working relationship between you […]
5 Key Tips on How to Hire Sales Reps
Know how to hire sales reps that quickly meet your sales goals and increase your company’s profitability. Follow these 5 tips to hire professionals who are passionate, motivated and share your zeal to succeed. Every business revolves around sales. The ultimate aim of every business is to make maximum sales in order to generate more […]
Manufacturing Sector Growth = Contact Manufacturers Reps Now!
Those who work in the manufacturing industry, like many of us, will be happy to know that the US economy experienced a slight growth in the first quarter of this year. What is the solution for manufacturers and entrepreneurs seeking to contact manufacturers reps? When the economy’s downward spiral depresses conditions in manufacturing sector, we […]