Find independent retail sales rep jobs
Contact companies hiring retail representatives

Best tip

  • Enter a keyword phrase that describes your product lines or customers' business (who you sell to).
  • Start with broader terms. For example, "apparel" is better than "apparel retail stores".
  • Examples: retail, apparel, gift shop, medical, OEM, industrial, machine, auto, wholesale, etc.
  • Use your customer's brand name too. Examples: Walmart, Home Depot, Fastenal.

Second best tip

  • Commas--make sure you put commas between unrelated keyword phrases.

Advanced Search

  • Once you have created a profile, do an Advanced Search, which allows searching by Territories and more.
All Of The Words
Enter one or more words. All must be present to be included in the result. For example, the search home office will find entries with both home AND office but not necessarily as adjacent words.
The Exact Phrase
Enter quotes as part of the search. For example, "home office" (with the quotes entered) will find only entries having the exact phrase home office.
At Least One Of The Words
Put a comma or "OR" between the words. Either word must be present to be included in the result. For example home, office will find entries with either home OR office. Another more complex example: home office, copier will find entries with home AND office OR copier. Likewise for copier, home office.
Negative Keywords
To search for results that do NOT include a keyword (example: home office but not copier), use a minus sign immediately before the keyword you wish to omit.
Example: home office -copier

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My Objective:

  1. Note: to show your password, click on the lock. Caution: this feature should be used only in a secure environment.
  2. Between 6 and 30 characters.
  3. Use a mix of numbers (0-9), lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters(A-Z), and symbols.
  4. Strong passwords are not required, but highly recommended.
  5. Certain passwords are not allowed. For example, all of the same character, or your name or email address.


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We have an active and trusted database of retail companies, wholesale vendors, and distributors seeking to hire independent retail sales reps to promote their retail product and service lines to big box stores and retail product buyers of all types.

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independent sales rep jobs

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Reach new audiences and companies selling to retailers with exposure on our international rep database. Your sales rep profile gets searched daily by recruiters, agencies, and companies hiring sales reps.

We advertise to companies seeking independent reps and promote your profile with optimized search.

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We provide powerful search tools to help you find that next big retail sales opportunity. With features like "Find My Matches", you'll be on the fast track to your next business call.

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The Retail Industry

The retail industry is a major employer of the US workforce, and a thriving sector of the economy. The retail industry encompasses a variety of product categories, from automobiles, cosmetics, food, clothing, toys, and more. Breaking into the retail industry and expanding your reach requires B2B savvy, and using experienced commission-only retail sales reps can help you increase your distribution and place your product in a variety of stores.

Whether you are targeting a grocery store, a supermarket, independent or big box stores, getting your product into the right hands requires strategic work and can be helped along with a staff of independent reps. Check out RepHunter today to kick start your outside sales.

Did you know?

  • The retail sector is the #1 employment sector in the U.S., with 52 million jobs tied to it.
  • As of 2022, e-commerce constitutes 13% of total retail sales in the U.S., while physical stores still account for 87% of sales.
  • As of 2020, there were 1,045,422 brick-and-mortar retail establishments across the U.S.
  • 73% of consumers prefer brands with personalized shopping experiences.
  • Physical stores are still expected to account for 72% of all U.S. retail sales by 2024.
  • As of 2021, U.S. retail sales have reached over $4.44 trillion, an increase of 10% from 2020.
  • Independent Reps in the Retail Industry

    Whether the product you want to bring to market is a clothing line, a road bike, an ice cream, or a children’s toy, you’ll need to navigate the retail industry and take your product from the manufacturer to retail stores, be they independent, online, or major retailers like Wal-Mart. It takes planning and effort to help products reach storefronts, and a commission-only independent retail sales rep can help with this task.

    As the producer of a retail item, obtaining distribution alone can be a challenge. Promoting your product successfully in the retail industry requires attending trade shows, giving presentations, creating brochures, and maintaining an online presence. This is addition to creating relationships with resellers, guaranteeing your own supply chain is functioning smoothly, and looking for opportunities to expand your line. It is a lot of responsibility for one person and even an in-house staff. A commission-only retail sales rep can attend trade shows on your behalf, leverage their own contacts to create contracts for you, and provide you with experience and expertise in your niche. To get your product off the ground, a commission-only outside sales rep can be vital.

    As a commission-only retail sales rep, you know that carrying exciting retail product lines is important to making your job fulfilling and profitable. The experience retail sales reps have in working with large and small retailers, and navigating the retail trade show world, can provide great benefits to a number of businesses. It’s easy to add great retail sales lines with RepHunter's searchable database of manufacturers and distributors of products (in our terminology, "Principals").

    If you are either looking for great retail reps or are a retail rep looking for new lines, sign up with RepHunter today to meet your professional and business goals in retail sales. RepHunter is the #1 place online for manufacturers and outside sales reps alike. Whether you are an outside sales representative or a Principal, get started today by clicking on one of our buttons to the right.

    Find Independent Retail Sales Reps Jobs

    Product manufacturers are eager to tap into the expertise of commission-only outside sales reps to get their product into the hands of resellers. If you are a retail sales rep who has built out a rich territory with great connections among retail stores large and small, manufacturers (or as referenced here, "Principals") want to talk to you. How do you find the best retail sales rep jobs and commission-only opportunities in this environment? Check out our tips below to learn how to maximize the potential of your career in retail sales.

    Identify Your Best Customers

    Not every product belongs in every retail store, and as an outside sales representative you’ll have more sales success and happier relationships with the creators of your product lines if products match up with the stores you communicate with the best. Having a long-term plan of how you can leverage your relationships with independent, big box, or online-only stores by product price, category, and availability will help you recognize which retail lines are the best for you as they come along.

    Show Off Your Trade Show Experience

    Businesses with products to sell are eager to get their products into as many great stores as possible. One of the most effective ways to do this as an outside sales rep is to attend trade shows, but not every business owner has time to attend them, or even much experience in putting together the materials that will make a trade show appearance a success. Show off your time spent at trade shows and your sales and marketing skills in putting together a great product demonstration and even accompanying marketing materials. Your creativity and enthusiasm as an outside sales rep will be appreciated, and will help you add another great retail line.

    To find the retail sales rep job opportunities you are looking for, use RepHunter to obtain independent, commission-only retail sales rep lines. Sign up today by clicking on the button below.

    Sign up now!